Here is what we stocked up on before baby and why.
Diaper stockpile list by size full#
So off to Costco we went to get a big cart full of non-baby essentials. I wanted to have everyday essentials on hand, so we could fully focus on taking care of our baby! I didn’t want to have to send Nick out one evening to grab more toilet paper or laundry detergent. One of the things I did while going through my pregnancy checklist was stock up on household items before our baby came. This included researching when to start buying baby stuff and stocking up on postpartum essentials. I’m a huge planner so I wanted us to be as prepared as possible.
Diaper stockpile list by size how to#
I knew it would probably be filled with sleepless nights, learning how to breastfeed, and just generally navigating how to care for this new, tiny little being. Then, when you see a great deal, stock up! You can also add a few dollars to your weekly grocery budget for extra items to slowly build your stock pile pantry up.I knew that having a baby meant our lives were going to be a little chaotic those first couple of weeks post birth. I would start by getting organized and seeing what you have, what you need, and making a list of things to stock up on. I hope this helps you find some ways to build up a stock pile of food and household items for your family. Use your freezer. You can freeze a ton of different groceries, just Google “Can I freeze _” to see if you should stock up on something and stick it in the freezer.And everything is organized by date, so the soonest expiring items are at the front, and I will add new items to the back. I neatly stacked like items together, so I can see how much I have of each item. I grabbed a shelf we weren’t using and turned it into a pantry in our laundry room. Organize your stock. I tackled this the other day and feel so good about it! We don’t have a pantry, so I had items in a few different cabinets and it felt very disorganized and I couldn’t see how much I had of each item.You can also compare prices at places like Costco and Sam’s Club. Look for bulk deals. We were so blessed to find the bulk meat deal! Ask around and see if there are any bulk grocery options near you – butcher shop, local farmer, bulk produce box, etc.Make a list of items you would like to stock up on, and make room in the budget when you see a great sale. I’ve been keeping a running list of things I would like to stock up on, and when I see a great sale on that item, I’ll buy a few and mark it off the list.

Set a weekly grocery budget, and one stock up budget each month. Meaning most weeks, you buy your normal amount of groceries, and one week you do a big stock up at a store like Aldi or Walmart for the best prices.Here’s a few ways to start a pantry stockpile so you can stock up on food and household supplies, and still stay on a budget: